
通常,大语言模型都有复杂的参数来控制模型生成内容,为此 MediaPipe4ULLM 使用一个字典(Map)来表示会话参数。

  • 字典键:参数名称
  • 字典值: 参数值

Modify Completion Args


LLaMA 模型

LLaMA 模型推理基于 llama.cpp 项目,因此你可以在 llama.cpp 文档中找到这些参数。


  • temperature: 温度表示模型生成内容时的随机性,较低的温度意味着较少的随机性,温度为 0 将始终产生相同的输出
  • n_predict: 通过调整此值,可以影响 LLM 生成文本的长度。较高的值将导致较长的文本,-1 表示不限制文本长度。注意:单位是 token 数量, 并不是字符。
  • top_p: 表示生成内容的确定性,数值越小,确定性越高,数值越大确定性越低,这个参数也会影响模型生成结果的随机性,确定越高,意味着越少的随机性。

  • n_keep: 虽然模型支持调整上下文固定的 token 数量,为了防止 token 截断, MediaPipe4ULLM 会自动计算这个值,因此你无法设置该值。

LLaMA 完成会话参数说明

temperature: Adjust the randomness of the generated text (default: 0.8).
top_k: Limit the next token selection to the K most probable tokens (default: 40).
top_p: Limit the next token selection to a subset of tokens with a cumulative probability above a threshold P (default: 0.9).
n_predict: Set the number of tokens to predict when generating text. Note: May exceed the set limit slightly if the last token is a partial multibyte character. When 0, no tokens will be generated but the prompt is evaluated into thecache. (default: 512, -1 = infinity).
n_keep: Specify the number of tokens from the initial prompt to retain when the model resets its internal context (Unavailable in MediaPipe4ULLM).
prompt: Provide a prompt. Internally, the prompt is compared, and it detects if a part has already been evaluated, and the remaining part will be evaluate. A space is inserted in the front like main.cpp does.
stop: Specify a array of stopping strings.These words will not be included in the completion, so make sure to add them to the prompt for the next iteration (default: [INST]).
tfs_z: Enable tail free sampling with parameter z (default: 1.0, 1.0 = disabled).
typical_p: Enable locally typical sampling with parameter p (default: 1.0, 1.0 = disabled).
repeat_penalty: Control the repetition of token sequences in the generated text (default: 1.1).
repeat_last_n: Last n tokens to consider for penalizing repetition (default: 64, 0 = disabled, -1 = ctx-size).
penalize_nl: Penalize newline tokens when applying the repeat penalty (default: true).
presence_penalty: Repeat alpha presence penalty (default: 0.0, 0.0 = disabled).
frequency_penalty: Repeat alpha frequency penalty (default: 0.0, 0.0 = disabled);
mirostat: Enable Mirostat sampling, controlling perplexity during text generation (default: 0, 0 = disabled, 1 = Mirostat, 2 = Mirostat 2.0).
mirostat_tau: Set the Mirostat target entropy, parameter tau (default: 5.0).
mirostat_eta: Set the Mirostat learning rate, parameter eta (default: 0.1).
seed: Set the random number generator (RNG) seed (default: -1, -1 = random seed).
ignore_eos: Ignore end of stream token and continue generating (default: false).
logit_bias: Modify the likelihood of a token appearing in the generated text completion. For example, use "logit_bias": 15043:1.0 to increase the likelihood of the token ‘Hello’, or "logit_bias": 15043:-1.0 to decrease itslikelihood. Setting the value to false, "logit_bias": 15043:1.0,11111:0.8 ensures that the token Hello is never produced (default: ‘’).

更多模型参数,可以参考 llama.cpp

logit_biasstop 参数的格式和 llama.cpp 中不同,M4U 使用英文逗号(,)分割字符串表示数组,llama.cpp 使用 json 格式:

  • logit_bias格式为 p1:p1_value, p2:p2-value
  • logit_bias格式为 v1, v2, v3

  • n_predict的默认值和 llama.cpp 不同,M4U 使用 512 作为默认值。